In this wonderful, heartwarming film, we follow the adventures of Aussie, a beagle who lives with his mom, his dad, and his special friend, Laney. When dad brings home a very special teddy bear for Laney, Aussie is jealous and hides the bear under a pile of leaves in the yard. When he sees how sad Laney is, he goes to get Ted but he is gone! Aussie begins a harrowing journey to find Ted, and with help from his friend, Cricket, bring him home to Laney.
Dean Cain (Rat Race), Alyssa Shafer (Happy Feet), Beverly D' Angelo (National Lampoon's Vacation)
RUNTIME: (88 min)
Shuki Levy
Herb Linsey, Ronnie Hadar
YEAR: 2008
HD & 5.1